About Me
My name is Jordan and I am a current Computer Science student at UVic.
Currently in EDCI 339, I am excited to learn more about distributed and open learning and be able to apply this class in the real world.
I grew up playing a lot of sports and was a highland dancer for 12 years. I also rowed competitively for 7 years, 4 of which I rowed at Washington State University while completing a Kinesiology degree.
I enjoy the outdoors, and I love travelling, food, and dogs!
After I graduate I will be completing grad school and studying/ working in New Zealand for up to three years.

Rowing on the Snake river in Washington State (Me on the left). Photo credit: Mark VerMurlen

Camping trip in Tofino BC. Photo credit: Willow Shull

Family dog Hollie who turned 14 in August 2020. Photo credit: Ida Watson

I went to Japan in the Summer of 2019 and visited a friend who surprised me with this amazing dessert! Photo credit: Me!

Washington State graduation (2016): Photo credit: Rose Glen